Don’t you just hate wasting time searching for your to-do list, the hole puncher or a charger for your phone? The secret to avoid wasting all that time is to keep everything organised. That might sound difficult, but it isn’t really. Every item that you own should have a home – a place where it belongs and where you can always find it (because when you are done using it, you know exactly where to put it back).
We have collected 5 tips for you that will help you get organised:
1. Organise your chargers in a small storage unit
Nothing is more annoying – some would even call it stressful – than searching for a charger when your phone is low on battery. Make sure that you keep all your chargers in one spot – close to an outlet. The best solution also has room for your devices when they are charging.
2. Don’t forget about your to-do lists
Hang your notes on a bulletin board where you can see them. Being able to see your ideas and thoughts on paper helps you having them top of mind and maybe even developing them further. Bonus tip: Do you get your best ideas right before sleep, when you have just woken up or maybe in the shower? Keep a notepad by your bed and in the bathroom, so you can write them down before you forget them.
3. Use every square meter
If you live in a small apartment, you want to make use of every square meter to avoid clutter. A cute idea, that helps you make use of your vertical space in a creative manner, is to use hangers on hooks to hold artificial plants or magazines.
4. Smart wrapping paper storage
Long and thin, rolls of wrapping paper are difficult to keep anywhere in a practical manner. One solution is to get a tall basket and maybe keep the rolls in place with a throw or a cushion. You could also hang them on the wall using two string loops, one for each end of the wrapping paper.
5. Transparent storage solutions save you time
Keep the things together that you use simultaneously and in the same setting. Scissors, pencils, and glue is one example. Another is keys and wallet. A third could be make up brush, lipstick, concealer and mascara. Get a practical storage solution, preferably one that is transparent so you don’t have to waste time opening boxes and putting the lid back on when you realize that it was the wrong choice. VICKLEBY in the photo above is super practical as it is easy to carry with you.
Get more tips to light up your house and redecorate after Christmas:
What are your best tips to keeping the house organised? Please share them in the comments!